Frozen by Fear

Don’t.  Stop.  No!

These are words we use to limit actions that could be harmful or dangerous.  But we also use them to encourage people to change their bad habits.  Unfortunately, these negative words have severe limits in their ability to influence behavior over the long term.  This month we take a second look at The Influential Mind by Tali Sharot to discuss a more effective way to change actions for the better.  Read more  in this issue of the Firefly Newsflash.
Power Tip:  Focus on the positive actions you’d like someone to do rather than stopping the negative.
Read the January 2018 issue:

In this Issue – 

99-Word Story:  Heartfelt Giving – What it takes to be generous
Discovery:  Frozen by Fear – A second look at The Influential Mind
Ideas:  Don’t.  Stop.  No! – A better way to change long-term behavior
Activity:  Negative to Positive – Describe the actions you want others to take