Thiagi's Tweets: Performance Technology

Every day, Thiagi tweets ready-to-use pieces of practical advice on performance-improvement topics such as coaching, creativity, customer service, feedback, leadership, listening skills and management.

Here are some recent pieces of advice about improving human performance that were re-tweeted frequently:

  • First step in improving human performance: Define the ideal situation. Discover the actual situation. Find the gap between the two.
  • Avoid arrogance. Understand the client’s perceptions. Listen mindfully to the client’s analysis of the performance problem.
  • Persuade the client to delay starting the project until gap analysis and cause analysis are completed.
  • If a performance problem is caused by lack of skills and knowledge, use training, education, or coaching as the appropriate intervention.
  • Don’t use training as an intervention if the problem is not caused by lack of skills and knowledge. It will backfire.
  • Use feedback, coaching, or performance review as interventions if a lack of professional and personal development caused a problem.
  • Is the lack of engagement causing problems? Use job crafting as an intervention: Find employee's strengths and match the job to utilize them
  • Does your organization lack of purpose, vision, or inspiration? Use leadership development as an appropriate intervention.
  • Problems caused by suspicion, fear, betrayal, excessive caution, duplication, and micromanagement? Use trust building interventions.