Invisible Slides

Here’s a funny caper I perform in my training sessions that elicits more laughter than it deserves. Many participants tell me that they have been recycling this skit in their sessions. Maybe you should try it too.

This is what I do (in regular font) and what I say (in Italics):

I make a big show of meticulously hooking up my laptop to the LCD projector. But I don’t turn on the projector. I ostentatiously grab the remote control, stare at the screen, and click the buttons a few times. I say:

Recently, I did some research that suggests that invisible PowerPoint slides are more effective than the visible variety. I am going to replicate that study today.

I click a button on the remote control and stare intently on the screen.

As you can see, here are the objectives for today’s session. They are shown as three bullet items.

(Change the following content to suit your topic.)

The first bullet is about differentiating between simulation games and non-simulation games. That is the first objective we will achieve.

The second objective, shown as the second bullet, requires you to explain and give examples of framegames.

The third objective, … Oops, there is a typo. I should have used the spell check. The word should have been “experiential”, not “experimental”…

I pretend to change the slide and continue with the rest of my presentation.

At the end of the session, I distribute a blank piece of paper claiming it to be a summary of the keys point of my presentation.